Do you have a problem that is very hard to bear?
Do not wrestle with it; take it to the Lord in prayer

Eldred Herbert

Consider it, an opportunity that God has given you. But why would He even give us any struggles in the first place? Well, it turns out that difficulties can actually help us grow spiritually, according to God’s plans.

I will list the five main reasons for this below.

1. For developing God like qualities .

God often puts obstacles in the way of those who are attempting to pursue a righteous path, for the purpose of developing divine qualities within them.

For example, to demonstrate tolerance, one must actually go through the experience of tolerating someone who is difficult to deal with. God often puts you in situations where you have to deal with difficult people or tough situations so that you can learn to be tolerant.

If you choose to take this without getting angry and keep being tolerant, your own tolerance will grow over time.

2. For generating Enthusiasm .

Instead of seeing problems as something that discourages you, perceive them as opportunities to get enthusiastic. When you look at challenges in the right way, they can bring out the best in you.

On the other hand, if you  see the problems as real problems,you will end up feeling hopeless and frustrated.

3. For Protecting from Lust .

God gives you problems to distract your mind from lust. Problems make you feel tense, which keeps our minds from thinking about lustful thoughts. Unlike material anxiety, which is related to our own welfare, this anxiety coming from hardships is spiritual in nature as it revolves around God.

4. For Teaching us lessons.

God will put hard things in your way so that you can grow both mentally and spiritually. Every problem helps you move in the right direction and has a reason for being there, even if it’s hard to understand why God lets it happen . He will grant you the intelligence to face the challenge and understand its value eventually.

5. Punishment.

God often uses your devotional struggles to teach you a powerful lesson when you make a mistake. His ‘punishment’ is really beautiful in the sense that it helps us learn and grow as spiritual individuals. Ultimately, it helps reinforce the idea of personal responsibility for our actions.

When God chastises us, it’s to open our eyes to our mistakes. Those who strive to amend their wrongdoings are quickly granted God’s mercy and relieved of their worries.

So the conclusion is: Take problems in right stride.

Accept that happiness doesn’t mean you won’t have any problems; rather , embrace them and learn from the experience. To be truly happy, welcome the problems and use them to help you grow as a person – they will in turn help you become better than before.

If any time in your life you’re facing problems physical ,mental or spiritual problems be sure that God is planning for you so that you come back to Him as soon as possible. Saint Teresa of Avila


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