Real humility is control over senses!

Practicing it, one understands the message of scriptures,

Imbibing it one realize the meaning of scriptures.

There once existed a master and his servant. The servant was diligent in his duties, always striving to fulfill his master’s commands, yet he had a single flaw.

In the master’s absence, the servant would indulge in the pleasures of his master’s home, watching his television, sleeping in his bed, eating from his fridge, essentially assuming the role of the master himself!

Can we call such a servant humble?

Absolutely not!

In the same vein, all that exists in this world is the property of the divine. To partake in the pleasures of this world is akin to enjoying God’s possessions, an act of pure arrogance. Thus, a true devotee should exhibit humility, refraining from indulging in the world that is God’s property.

To achieve this, a devotee must learn to master their senses. Through this mastery, not only will they cease to seek sensory pleasure, but they will also be better equipped to follow the divine command, setting aside personal likes and dislikes.

True humility lies in the mastery of one’s senses!

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